
Showing posts from 2015

Angela 張韶涵 - 淋雨一直走 Keep Walking

"I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost Starting with that quote, the music gives you the energy to keep walking. :)

The Climb by Miley Cyrus

Good luck with the semester! Just keep pushing on! There's always going to be another mountain I'm always going to want to make it move Always going to be an uphill battle Sometimes you're going to have to lose Ain't about  how fast I get there Ain't about what's waiting on the other side It's the climb. 

How am I doing? I asked myself...

Confused? Frustrated? Lonely? Helpless? Bottled up? I just can't find the right words. Even I don't know how I'm doing... How can I expect someone to understand me? -- MNS 

Random Thought

I'm wondering why a woman, when confessed, asked the other person to wait for a while before giving a reply. Haven't she already made a decision even before the guy confesses?  Oh well, just wondering.

Where are you, my motivation? Seriously?!

Spring 2015 semester is coming to an end soon. All the final projects are due pretty soon. There is not much time left to discuss the group presentation. And, here I am, doing everything else but studying. What a disappointment! I know that I can't accomplish anything without my motivation. I know that no one but me can push me to do anything. So, casual reminder to myself - Hey, dude -  I don't want to say much. You know you need to get things done. Be efficient. Get things done. I don't want to hear any stupid excuses. You-know-who  -- MNS
နင္ပဲေျပာင္းလဲသြားတာလား... ငါပဲေျပာင္းလဲသြားတာလား... ဘာမွန္းေတာ့ေသခ်ာမသိဘူး... ေသခ်ာတာတစ္ခုကေတာ့ နင့္ကိုုသိပ္ၾကည့္လုိ႔မရေတာ့တာဘဲ.... -- MNS

ေက်ာင္းေကာင္စီ သီခ်င္း

ၾသ... ေက်ာင္းေတာ္မဟာ ၂ လသာကိုု ခြဲခြာခဲ့ရတာ ဘာလုိလုိနဲ႔ ၇ႏွစ္ေတာင္ရွိသြားၿပီပဲ... ဟုိအပတ္က ေက်ာင္းေနေဖာ္သူငယ္ခ်င္းနဲ႔ ေက်ာင္းတုန္းက ရူးေၾကာင္မူးေၾကာင္ အက်င့္ေလးေတြရယ္... ရယ္စရာ အျဖစ္အပ်က္ေလးေတြကို ႏြားစျမဳတ္ျပန္ေနရင္း လသာ ၂ မွာ ၁၁ ႏွစ္တိတိ ေန႔တုိင္းနီး မဆိုုခ်င္လည္း ဆုိခဲ့ရတဲ့ ေက်ာင္းေကာင္စီသီခ်င္းေလးကိုု ေျပးသတိရမိတယ္... ေက်ာင္းတုန္းကလည္း၀ါးခ်ခဲ့သလုိ အခုလည္း ဘာမွေရေရရာရာ မမွတ္မိလုုိ႔ ေဖ့ဘြတ္မွာ သူငယ္ခ်င္းေတြကုိ အကူအညီေတာင္းၾကည့္ေတာ့ သူတိုု႔ေတြရဲ႕ အကူအညီန႔ဲပဲ စာသားအားလုံးနည္းပါး စုေစာင္းမိျဖစ္တယ္... ဘယ္သူမွေတာ့ စာသားအတိအက် မမွတ္မိပါဘူး... နည္းနည္း၀ါးခ်ရင္ေတာ့ သီခ်င္းက တကယ္ႀကီး ျမညီလာမွာ Assembly ထဲျပန္ေရာက္သြားသလုိပါပဲ... သီခ်င္းစာသားေလးေတြကေတာ့... မိမိကိုယ္ကိုေကာင္းေအာင္ ႀကိဳးစားမည္ မိမိအတန္းကိုေကာင္းေအာင္ ႀကိဳးစားမည္ မိမိေက်ာင္းကိုေကာင္းေအာင္ ႀကိဳးစားမည္ မိမိတုိင္းျပည္အတြက္ ေကာင္းေအာင္ ႀကိဳးစားမည္ ကတိေလးခ်က္ကိုုမူတည္ ဖြဲ႕စည္းခဲ့တဲ့ ေက်ာင္းေကာင္စီ အသင္းငါးသင္းရွိပါသည္ အေနာ္ရထာမွစ၍တည္ က်န္စစ္သားနဲ႔ ဘုရင့္ေနာင္ အေလာင္းဘုရားႏွင့္ ဘႏၵဳလတိုု႔သည္ ကု...

Just a Very Random Thought 2/8/15

Is it bad to think that you want a boyfriend but that you don't need one? -- MNS