
Showing posts from June, 2013


These days... I am having mixed feelings... Sometimes, I think I am enjoying the life I have... Being single and shit... I can do whatever I want... I don't need to take any one into consideration while deciding... Yes, I am enjoying my own shit...

What I think a better leader is...

Currently, I am attending a leadership training organized my college, called Davenport Leadership Institute (DLI). After this training, I want to transform myself from a little kid with baby steps to someone who can fly a little higher while being able to dig a little deeper. After watching a TED talk, I was a little bit relieved to hear that we all are leaders in our own ways; that we have impacted someone significantly at some point of our lives; and that we should be confident in ourselves.

Life is a bitch...

Life's a bitch... What's more... I am a selfish bitch...