We don't have family names in Myanmar. SO WHAT?!

Last week, my friend and I went to DFW airport because she had an issue with her I-94. Upon the review of her submitted documents, the airport officer called her to the window and told her that she had her names wrongly written on her passport and her I-20.

I was okay with the officer stating that the school wrote her name wrong on her I-20. They put the whole name as her first name just because the passport did not clearly state the first name and last name. Of course, we could change that.

On the other hand, I felt that the officer was a little bit out of his mind to state that the passport had it wrong. SERIOUSLY?!?! It is the OFFICIAL country that issues the passport. Each country has its passport format for the citizens. How can it be wrong? Anyway, that's not as ridiculous as the statement that he made later on.

She tried to explain that we did not have the system of first and last name in our country, which was why we used our last character in our names as our family name. You know what he said?! He was like, "Look, I have seen the passport from all over the world. Every country has a first name and a family name. You are supposed to have it and you don't have it on your passport. So, your passport is wrong. Go get your passport re-issued so that you can have a first name and a family name."

It's just so lame. I am not even sure he knew how to find Myanmar on the map. How could he be sure that we have family names? He made that same argument for five minutes before my friend gave up. I was so mad at him. But what's the point of arguing with someone who stubbornly believes that the world works the way he thinks it does?

But seriously, before making an argument, at least google it to validate your so-called facts. 


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