The Starting Point as an International Student at Randolph

Come to think about it! I have been here in the United States for more than a year. The story of my arriving to US was so simple.

I didn't want to attend Institute of Medicine in my country. I know that a doctor is a noble and prestigious job. There is only one big problem. I was not interested in medical field. Simply, I wanted to be a businesswoman. I liked to picture myself in a suit and heels (although I have never worn heels yet), walking around the office, supervising the employees. I just loved that ME, which I pictured again and again while daydreaming.

Yes, I am going to make it real. I decided to come to US. For sure, I was not going to Singapore since I believed that US would provide me more opportunities. Moreover, I didn't want to follow the trend that most of the people were doing at that time- getting a MBA in a Singapore. I don't mean that it is not great to study abroad in Singapore; NUS is one of the top universities in the world. Yet no way would I ever go to Singapore.

Like everyone else, I took SATs and TOEFL exams. I didn't get grades as high as other people; however, mine was not bad at all either. I applied to several colleges and universities in the States. I don't have much preference either. As long as the college offers the Business major, I would go to that college.
After going through everything, I decided to go to Randolph College. It is a small (you can even say "tiny") private liberal arts college. It was first founded as a women's college; now, it has become a co-ed Randolph College.

I didn't have specific reasons to come to RC. If you ever ask me, I would always answer some simple answers like "RC has good academics", "RC faculty is one of the best" and so on.

When I arrived to this college on the first day, we, the international students, were one of the first students to arrive on campus. We have a week of Int'l Orientation, where we were introduced this whole new American culture. The IOLs (Int'l Orientation Leaders) were also int'l students. They were a huge help for the new int'l students. They were willing to make our transactions easy for us. I was inspired by these amazing IOLs; therefore, I decided to become an IOL next year. (I am one now ^^)

Oh... I forgot to mention that I fell in love with this place as soon as I got here. The campus is, of course, not big-- yet compact. The faculty is seriously one of the best. Their expectations are so high, and you learn the most and the best from them. Yes, with their help, I am ready to spread my wings and fly into the blue sky.


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