My Confession of Sin_ Part (1)

I still remember that someone told me not to "overdo things". (I will refer to that someone as a *he* since I don't want to type *he/she* every single time.) The actual story went this way:
One of my guy friend was wooing one of my girl friend. Well, I think I will have to say that guy friend is quite sensitive. He tried to interpret every single word and movement of that girl. Actually, I was not really biased at first. Yes, I told him what the effective ways of wooing girls. However, I never told my girl friend that she had to return his feelings. ONE DAY, his SAT exam was approaching. That dummy was not studying at all. He was so-called madly in love with her. Well, don't ask me! I don't believe his words! I knew that it was just a temporary crush. Anyway, at some point of their chats, the girl said something that made that dummy think that she rejected him completely. Yes, he started to get really depressed to the point where he was thinking not to take the test. I won't lie. Yes, I am really furious about that situation. And here came my biggest fault. Without really asking her what she really meant, I posted a status "I won't ever f**king forgive you for what you have done to him!!!". I know that she would be really hurt, but I posted it out of frustration.
Then, I was criticized by another guy friend whom claimed himself to be closer to the girl than I was. I didn't mean that I wasn't wrong at all. I admit that I was wrong to hurt her without knowing any real situation. In fact, I was a coward; I dare not personally go and apologize. I was afraid that she won't forgive me; therefore, I went on as if nothing happened. BUT I always keep this incident in my mind. Actually, I still haven't talked my mind out yet.

If you are reading this post, please forgive me for what I said about you. I was in no position to say such insulting words. I really like you as a friend; however, my immature character pushed me to post something like that. Sorry for being a coward and not verbally apologizing you. When I find enough courage, I will verbally apologize you. I am sorry.

But I think I learnt something more than changing my intolerable behavior...
(To be continued)



  1. Words can be forgiven, but not forgotten.

    1. I completely agree with you. Although I was the one who committed the sin, I still can't get it out of my mind. :(


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